Dental Implants

Tooth implants are a simple and effective fix to tooth extractions/tooth loss

Whatsapp 94755508 / Phone 66129015

Affordable prices

Implant surgery


  • Medisave claimable $1250, cash is $1050 nett

  • Crown included (PFM)

  • 20-40 min procedure

  • 1-2 days downtime

  • Follow-ups included

  • can be done on same day as extraction

Full Medisave claims

Our implant surgery + crown is $2250, fully MediSave claimable $1250 nett, no cash top-ups.

This is inclusive of the surgery, all x-rays, medication (painkillers, antibiotics) and post-op follow-up.

Can be done on same day

Implants can be placed after extraction on the same day if suitable. This can help avoid collapse of the socket and can in some cases result in better aesthetic outcome.

Am I suitable for implants?

Most patients are suitable for implants unless the patients have severe diabetes or osteoporosis.

We will carefully evaluate the bone thickness and your medical condition upon seeing you to let you know your suitability!

Contact us today via the form or via whatsapp at 94755508